The Research Onion: peeling back the layers

research onion

Embarking on a research journey involves navigating through various layers of complexity, each contributing to the richness and depth of the study. The metaphorical “research onion,” proposed by Saunders et al., provides a systematic framework for comprehending the multifaceted nature of research design. In this post, we’ll peel back the layers of the research onion, exploring its components and elucidating how it guides researchers through the intricacies of the research process.

The Concept of the Research Onion:

The research onion is a metaphorical model that visualizes the layers of a research study, emphasizing the progression from broad philosophical assumptions to specific research methods and techniques. Developed by Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, and Adrian Thornhill, the research onion encourages researchers to consider each layer systematically, ensuring a cohesive and well-structured study.

Layers of the Research Onion:

  1. Philosophical Assumptions (Outer Layer):
    • The outermost layer of the research onion encompasses philosophical assumptions, representing the researcher’s worldview and guiding principles. This layer includes ontological (nature of reality), epistemological (nature of knowledge), and methodological (nature of inquiry) considerations.
  2. Research Approaches (Paradigm Layer):
    • Beneath the philosophical assumptions lies the paradigm layer, where researchers choose a specific research approach. Common paradigms include positivism, interpretivism, and pragmatism. The chosen approach shapes the overall research design and influences the methods employed.
  3. Research Strategies (Strategies Layer):
    • The strategies layer involves selecting the overarching research strategy that aligns with the chosen paradigm. Strategies may include experiments, surveys, case studies, or action research. This layer guides the overall structure of the study and the type of data collected.
  4. Time Horizon (Time Layer):
    • Moving further inward, the time horizon layer addresses the temporal scope of the research. Researchers decide whether their study will be cross-sectional or longitudinal, influencing the duration and timeframe of data collection.
  5. Data Collection Methods (Data Layer):
    • The data layer involves selecting specific methods for gathering data. Common methods include surveys, interviews, observations, and document analysis. This layer is crucial for collecting relevant and reliable data aligned with the research questions.
  6. Sampling (Sample Layer):
    • Sampling decisions are made in the sample layer, determining the characteristics and size of the study’s sample. Researchers choose between probability and non-probability sampling methods, aiming for a representative and applicable sample.
  7. Data Analysis Techniques (Analysis Layer):
    • The analysis layer involves selecting appropriate techniques for analyzing the collected data. Quantitative studies may use statistical methods, while qualitative studies may employ thematic analysis or grounded theory. This layer ensures the meaningful interpretation of data.
  8. Ethical Considerations (Inner Layer):
    • At the core of the research onion lies ethical considerations. Researchers must address ethical issues related to participant consent, confidentiality, and the overall integrity of the study. Ethical considerations are integral to conducting responsible and respectful research.

Benefits of the Research Onion Model:

  1. Systematic Decision-Making:
    • The research onion provides a systematic approach to decision-making at each layer, ensuring that choices align with the overarching goals of the study.
  2. Coherence in Research Design:
    • By considering each layer of the onion, researchers can create a coherent and well-designed study that aligns with their philosophical assumptions and paradigmatic choices.
  3. Flexibility and Adaptability:
    • The model allows for flexibility, enabling researchers to adapt their approach based on the nature of the research questions, available resources, and the context of the study.
  4. Enhanced Communication:
    • The research onion serves as a communication tool, allowing researchers to clearly articulate their philosophical stance, research approach, and methodological choices to peers and stakeholders.


The research onion stands as a guiding metaphor, leading researchers through the layers of complexity inherent in the research process. By systematically considering each layer, researchers can design studies that are methodologically robust, ethically sound, and aligned with their overarching research goals. As you embark on your research journey, let the layers of the research onion guide you, ensuring a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to the exploration of knowledge and discovery.

Recommended reading

Saunders, M., Thornhill, A., & Lewis, P. (2023). Research Methods for Business Students. Pearson. (Click to view on Amazon #Ad)

Research Methods for Business Students has been fully revised for this ninth edition and continues to be the market-leading textbook in its field, guiding hundreds of thousands of student researchers to success in their research methods modules, research proposals, projects and dissertations. From the creators of ‘the Research Onion”.

Posted by Glenn Stevens

Glenn is an academic writing and research specialist with 15 years experience as a writing coach and PhD supervisor. Also a qualified English teacher, he previously had an extensive career in publishing. He is currently the editor of this website. Glenn lives in the UK.
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